Transnational Access to
Toralla Marine Science Station (ECIMAT-UVIGO)
Aquaculture, Biotech, Environment, Fisheries
Access Manager
Maria Huete Ortega

Services offered
ECIMAT is the Marine Research Centre (CIM) and UVIGO´s main marine research infrastructure and founding member of EMBRC, having the mission of contributing to the conservation and sustainable use of the oceans, seas and marine resources through the generation and transfer of knowledge-based on science, technology and innovation.
It provides more than 2500 high-quality research services every year, both internally and externally, and has wide experience in hosting international researchers as demonstrated by the provision of more than 700 units of transnational access carried out in the recently finished H2020 Assemble Plus project.
The ECIMAT´s service offer is complemented by the know-how and research expertise provided by the UVIGO´s researchers that belong to the Marine Research Centre, which for this proposal will offer also services such as tools for marine contamination monitoring; -omics technologies for the early detection of bivalve larvae diseases, taxonomical profiling of bacterial communities in microalgae and bivalve culturing systems, marine microbiomes bioprospecting of new products and enzymes; study of the biology and ecology of cephalopods; cryopreservation- conservation of parental lines for aquaculture selective breeding; integral assessment of feeding, environmental of culture conditions; and parasites diseases, detection and control in fisheries and aquaculture.