Transnational Access to
Plentzia Marine Station of the University of the Basque Country (PiE-UPV/EHU)
Aquaculture, Biotech, Environment
Access Manager
Xabier Lekube

Services offered
PiE-UPV/EHU is the marine station of the UPV/EHU and is one of the founding members of EMBRC. It is located on the beach of Plentzia, 15 minutes from the international airport of Bilbao and connected by metro to the Bilbao centre. Research and education missions are mainly in the realm of environmental health assessment in estuarine and coastal ecosystems, and environmental toxicology.
Provides complete access to its tripartite One Health marine Laboratory with its environmental monitoring network, its Biscay Bay Environmental Specimen Bank and the Basque Microalgae culture collection and its experimental aquaria. Experience in the assessment of health biomarkers from the molecular to ecological level is offered though its “Platform for Health Biomarker assessment” to study any aspects related to the health of breeds in captivity or wild marine organisms.
PIE-UPV/EHU offers access to more than 2750 in-house and external users (only research) and has offered more than 300 units of transnational access in the recently finalized H2020 Assemble Plus project.