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Research Infrastructure services
sustainable aquaculture, fisheries
and the blue economy.

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Our news and events

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A multinational project that brings together six European research infrastructures to provide services in the fields of sustainable aquaculture, fisheries, ecological restoration and the blue economy.


AQUASERV offers over 500 free customised services across Europe to researchers aiming to advance their research on marine and freshwater biological resources, food and biotechnology.


Our services are easily accessible through transnational access (TA) and virtual access (VA), via our online application.

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Our vision

A European Research Area embedded instrument to further scientific advance and promote, contribute, and facilitate the implementation of the European Common Fisheries Policy, the Farm to Fork Strategy, the Sustainable Blue Economy, the European Green Deal and the EU Mission "Restore our Ocean and Waters by 2030".
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Our mission

To offer unique, relevant, and centralised cutting-edge integrated and customised services to enable integrated actions and scientific advancements connecting society-farm-food-economic activity and bringing down the barriers and challenges in implementing European policies.
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Our fields of expertise

Fishery image by Paul Einerhand from Unsplash Database

Sustainable fisheries

Aquaculture image of sea nursery from ShutterStock


Bivalves by Paul Einerhand on Unsplash

Food security & safety

Aquaculture structure

Food systems

Village fisher


Under the sea fishes by Noaa VLVC on Unsplash

Ecosystem health

Sea pollution by Naja Bertolt Jensen on Unsplash


& waste

Scientist on laboratory working

Marine biotechnology

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Our network

AQUASERV gathers a world-class consortium of six European research infrastructures and over 30 scientific institutions covering environmental, and social sciences. Together, we offer advanced research services in sustainable aquaculture, fisheries, ecological restoration and the blue economy.

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