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Transnational Access to

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC)

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Aquaculture, Biotech, Data, Environment, Fisheries

Access Manager

César García Hernández, Josep Calduch-Giner (IATS-EXP, IATS-ANA), Aurelio Ortega García (IEO-ICAR-MAP)


Services offered

CSIC offers services in the following installations: 1) IATS-ANA includes associated services and 9 analytical laboratories located in the Institute of Aquaculture Torre de la Sal (IATS). They have all the scientific appliances and devices to conduct most of the techniques and analyses involved in research in aquaculture: microscopy, histology, histochemistry, ISH, immunoassays, gas and liquid chromatography, PCR and RT-PCR and other molecular techniques for gene expression analysis, epigenetic mapping, in vitro cell and eukaryotic culture, isotopic assays, micromanipulation, and monitoring of microbiota as a welfare indicator by sequencing with minION and Illumina platforms. IATS-ANA methodologies are applied in the fields of genetic marker analysis of molluscs and fish, fish health and welfare, fish nutrition and growth, marine larviculture, ecotoxicology, fish reproduction, neuroendocrinology and energy metabolism, biotechnology, and environmental and organism monitoring. 2) IATS-EXP comprises about 250 research holding tanks with different shapes and capacities (from 3,000 l to 30 l) located in different units at IATS, with a total surface of 2,100 m2, and the associated wet labs and sampling rooms.

The open sea flow provides 90,000 m3/h and water temperature ranges naturally from 11 to 28ºC. Tanks with recirculation and heat/cooling systems are available in some units. Water quality (salinity, temperature, filtration, etc.) and light conditions (photoperiod, intensity, etc.) vary depending on the type of projects and specific tanks in use. IATS-EXP installations are adequate for conducting experiments in most of the disciplines involved in aquaculture research: Health and welfare (parasite and bacterial challenges), physiology and energy metabolism (hypoxia priming and pre-conditioning, swimming exercise tests), reproduction, nutrition and growth, live prey and larval rearing. Biosensor technology, based on the use of AEFishBIT datalogger developed in AQUAEXCEL2020, is also available for individual and poorly invasive monitoring of respiratory frequency and jerk acceleration in juvenile and adult fish. Experimental studies can be conducted with a great variety of species: gilthead sea bream, European sea bass, sole, turbot, mussel, clam and Artemia, with access to one of the largest Artemia Cysts collections available in Europe. 3) IEO-ICAR-MAP consists of two marine aquaculture facilities located in the Region of Murcia devoted to the culture of Mediterranean species, mainly Atlantic bluefin tuna (ABFT) but also other Mediterranean species like sea bass, sea bream, yellowtail and other Scombrids and Scienidae. (1) The facility for controlling the reproduction of the bluefin tuna has 2 broodstock tanks (20-22m Ø and 9-10 m depth -2,600 and 3,500 m3-) containing 50 ABFT brood fish and 2 juvenile tanks (14 m Ø, 6 m depth -900 m3 - and 8 m Ø, 3 m depth -150 m3-). Juvenile tanks are devoted to the quarantine, adaptation and on-growing of fish. (2)

The marine aquaculture plant comprises facilities for reproduction, incubation, larval rearing, weaning and on-growing marine fish species. It includes more than 200 culture units, between 150 l and 100 m3 each, with a total volume of 1,300 m3. It provides automatic systems for controlling biological and physic-chemical parameters, as well as monitoring and control systems for feeding, nutrition and fish behaviour by means of self-feeders and video cameras. IEO-ICAR-MAP is aimed at developing techniques for the juvenile production of bluefin tuna, as well as the breeding and juvenile production of other Mediterranean fish species. Main services are related to tuna farming, species diversification, nutrition and food, recirculation systems (RAS) and AMTI development, animal health, welfare and OWIs, live prey and larval rearing, physiology and behaviour studies and formation and training of technicians on bluefin tuna rearing.

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