Transnational Access to
Analysis and Experimentation on Ecosystems
Liaison officer
Services offered
PLANAQUA and the AQUATIC METATRON are cutting-edge experimental platforms to explore the effects of human disturbances on aquatic biodiversity, community structure and ecosystem functioning of shallow lake ecosystems.
PLANAQUA includes a range of >80 outdoor mesocosms of various sizes (1-15 m3) and shapes. Among those, 12 mesocosms (15 m3 each) have wave generators to control water turbulence and 14 have a powerful warming system to control water temperature.
The AQUATIC METATRON hosts (1) a lentic platform with 150 basins that can be connected to allow for the dispersal of aquatic organisms and with a capacity to simulate temperature variation accurately and independently, and (2) a lotic platform with 12 artificial rivers. Outdoor mesocosms are equipped with a range of sensors and can be monitored with a range of mobile and laboratory instruments. Breeding rooms are available to host laboratory populations of small freshwater fish species including non-model organisms (e.g., medakas, guppies, killifish, roach, etc.).